Define success for an entrepreneur

In a recent discussion with a few just-out-of-college future technologists, we got into something interesting – they all have a dream to become a successful entrepreneur.

Usually a dream is the first step, with that belief to accomplish what you are likely to set out for is equally important. Once you have this belief, then there should be prospective intent ( in terms of goal setting and high level planning ) with a first end result in mind. Then comes the passion to achieve is critical – many people cook, only few are renowned as Chefs – the passion is what separates them from the ordinary and they take pride in what they cook – I always says they know what the food lovers would relish. These are the few ingredients of accomplishing what you set out for.

Dream + Belief + Intent + Passion = Achieving Intended Results -> Success

Author: Raja

Business and technology consultant, as well as a devotee volunteer for the Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt

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