Martina’s Mantra

Martina’s Mantra

 Recently I read an article on Martina Navratilova, one of the greatest tennis players ever to have played the game, most fit individual every played, where she has said that everything that one does, is about what goes on in those 6 inches between the ears – MIND. Inferring, extrapolating and elaborating from what she said that performance is actually potential without the interferences, it is great to understand in depth her wisdom (in my own words now):

                     Performance = Potential – Distractions

    Potential is usually the talents one is born with that is unique to that person, along with appropriate rigorous training and good lots of motivation, both internal and external. Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, and Usain Bolt definitely are champions in basketball and the field, and some of their on-field exploits are beyond reason – just pure raw talent that they were born with. I am sure the 11 players selected to any national cricket team are not the only best players there are in that nation, but rather talents who had been identified and given opportunity to play at higher levels.   Your support staff, your friends and family and your entire team should be encouraging you always to give out the best performance day-in day-out.

        So, Potential = Talent + Motivation(Internal +External) + Training

   The missing part here is that Potential has to be identified. In corporate world, they get to see young leaders in action and constantly do succession planning. In sports or arts, getting opportunities to exhibit one’s potential is where the biggest problem is – some of it being at the right place at the right time. And definitely Lady Luck has to smile as well. If a BCCI committee member is observing some school tournament by chance and identifies a talent, he would be given more opportunities and focused training to hone his skills.

   Distraction in this respect is an inverse of focus – or a lack of it. If you want to achieve higher things in life, it does not come to you in a plate – you have to work for it. Yes, you have regular distractions that can be controllable but still never lose the eventual plot of gaining greater heights. That resolve to strike big, that focus to excel, that zeal to success should drive you to less and unnecessary distraction.   There have been many talents whose life and opportunities have been destroyed by excessive drinking, taking on to drugs or uncontrollable gambling, as they find it difficult to survive in the sudden limelight that they are thrown into, but who have taken care of it consciously have shone well.  Distraction is any time taken away for unnecessary or useless activity that can be detrimental to one’s success.

   Distractions = Vices + bad company + unwanted activities that one gets involved in + any unneeded interferences

  Hence Martina got it dead right by stating that your performance peaks when your identified potential delivers consistently and continuously (for a span of time, before age has a say esp. in high activity sports) and you are able to clearly use the time judiciously and are seen as a role model for many others to emulate. 

Can AI and Automation replace recruiters?

Are recruiters going to be replaced by AI and Automation? This is the question that has many posts now. Let me dig into a ‘rather -simplified’ process of recruiting before we can address this, I sure this is not as simple as this sounds though:

– sourcing is the first and critical part: this would include searching external databases and social sites for suitable candidates according to the requirements, weeding off unqualified candidates, ranking and giving prelim rating for the candidates

– coordinating interviews and any work assignments and tests that needs to be given for details technical fitment

– most important is the negotiating part with the candidate and influencing them to take the offer made, and to on board the candidate

When you look at it, the first step of sourcing and the tasks underneath it can all be automated and AI tools with good search engines with high accuracy can be used to get the top 10 candidates that would be the greatest fit for any particular requirements from the available database. One can easily automate the receipt of applications as well to go into the database through a proper document management system with adequate meta-tags. The issue is most of the large companies have made talent acquisition as a manufacturing process unfortunately with little human interfacing with the candidates before and during on-boarding and recruiters do not come with a ‘recruiting’ degree – still no college offers such programs. This step in the recruitment process has a strong probability of being lost through automation in my opinion in couple of years.

As for the second coordinating role, I feel even though the tests and assignments can be automated for particular job codes and some companies do the first level of interviews through audio and video bots, this step in the process cannot be replaced completely. But I feel technical hiring managers and the hiring team would mandate to talk with the candidates directly or through video conferences to get a feel of the chemistry of fitment. So, this responsibility of the recruiter, although can be automated, may not go that way as this would mean no human touch at all in the recruiting process.

And lasting the negotiating and influencing part would remain with the recruiter as this is where they give their return of investment (“Worth”) to the companies through their soft skills and situational leadership attributes. Good recruiters whom you see would be the one who close a candidate properly within budget and timeline and this is a skill that I believe AI cannot replace (or rather should not). It is more about the proper usage of your social skills that converts a candidate into an employee.

Having given a quick spin on what goes around with recruitment and AI and automation, I certainly feel the number of recruiters that would be needed would be lesser in years to come and these would be the cream of the available pool. I always believe that if you have to dig for gold, you need to go deep and mine for it and no automation can give an optimum result here unless there is a human element interacting with the candidates. But given a likely Post COVID situation though, where we would see more working-from-home employees who later would turn into ‘skill-based Just-In-time contractors’ needed for that particular job, less and less human interaction would take place for establishing an employee-organization relationship as the cultural fabric established through interactive across-the-hallway connects would all be things of the past – I hope this is wishful thinking but still worth analysing further and introspecting as to how the future workforce would actually look like if there is no physical office to go to and how recruitment as a role would have to morph to newer realities.

We are Business Intellects, a remote/virtual consulting, training audit and recruitment firm based out of Bengaluru, India.

Companies are accountable for transportation of their employees

Even if companies outsource meals & transportation, they would be held ACCOUNTABLE for anything that goes wrong in them, they cannot escape the noose. The vendors would be held RESPONSIBLE but still accountability belongs to the companies who outsourced. Remember that, there is a legal angle to it – responsibility vs accountability.
Having said that , I see lots of IT and manufacturing folks who enjoy the transportation facility not correcting their drivers for errant and rash driving – they seem to be unconcerned about the same. As long as they do not bother about traffic, they are fine – this is the sad attitude of the travelers. As a CSR initiative, ensure all the drivers have a proper license that is readily available for passengers, and reinforce proper driver habits regularly. If your driver is wrong and caused an accident, accept it – do not enlist the support of the passengers for your wrong doing.
Constant monitoring by health inspectors of the cafeterias should be done independently, and disclosed in public as a certificate every month or quarter for hygiene reasons.
Get accountable , companies – try not to escape from them. Do not turn a blind eye to bad food, unhygienic cafeterias and to rash and negligent driving. #CSR #accountability

What is wrong with Linkedin for hiring?

I am so surprised to find lots of job requirements has never been taken off Linkedin job posts (same positions, same title, same companies for over a year sometimes) for a long long time. What does this mean?
(i) the company is just collect profiles and sitting on them?
(ii) company wants to make believe they are still recruiting when they are actually not?
(iii) Recruiters not able to close despite getting 200+ applications per requirement which means they do not know what they are looking out for? Even assuming 90% of profiles got were junk.. still from the 10% they must be able to make a closure.
(iv) a byproduct of (iii), they are looking for a 100% fit for a position in the history of talent recruitment has never been the case, or
(v) they have paid for the posting and they want to just post something there.
In any case, Linkedin has to check the validity of each requirement to ensure quality is maintained. Anyway, Linkedin looks like a good place to advertise and not necessarily to close. If the requirement does not have an actual recruiter name in it, it means they are hiding something and do not want to be contacted. Linkedin is or has lost its relevance when it comes to job postings now… what do you say? Any feedback? #linkedin #recruitment

Be Judicious while hiring

In the newspaper headlines today:” Companies would be cautious and judicious in hiring”. Interesting, I thought. Should it not be the normal behaviour? In India, where one’s power is ‘assumed’ based on the number of people you manage, and not by the impact or revenue your team brings to the table, should not being lean and mean and letting employees assume more responsibility be the order of the day? Always employ at 90% of need and let the gap be addressed by the employees to take one more work, with a careful balance on not to burn them.

It is time to Upskill

“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in our own sunshine” – Ralph W Emerson.
How true! In this knowledge oriented skilled world, your shelf life in any particular job is getting lesser and lesser. Time to up-skill constantly, change the situations around you by understanding what is appropriate in any given time to work on, and start focusing in the right direction where technology takes us. One needs to be hell bent on learning new technologies and be passionate to create new things that makes other’s life better always. #technology #upskillyourself

Strategy is for CEO, Execution is for you

Lots of year planning and strategy sessions annually. But is it really for lower rungs of the organizations, or even the first level or middle level management? Answer is NO – they should be key to execution and achieving results. The CEO and his team has to worry about the strategy part(all these surveys and inputs from all employees may not materialize)- the long term planning is based on where you want to see yourself in the market and against competition and needs to translate to decisive steps to get you there. Hence Planning is the intermediate phase between strategy and tactical operations that is key to success of any organization. Execute flawlessly and consistently and you are still a force to reckon with in the market. Get to be one step ahead of others while strategizing and have a key differentiator that means what you deliver to the market. Plan well and execute should be the mantra for most of us within the organization, and leave the strategy and vision to the top big buck guys. Any thoughts? #leadership #strategytoexecution

LIC is Passe

Surprised to see the LIC Life insurance premiums are way too high compared to any others. Going through Offline agents is passe – still there are umpteen agents around. Offline premiums are about a half to a third higher than the online Tech Term premium by LIC itself and definitely twice or more than the other private players. I guess we are all paying for the added risks of all NPAs that LIC gets loaded with. Past only-play-in -town like LIC has to learn from competition now. Most of the time their premium calculators do not work in their website. Too many products in life insurance space to confuse customers and most of the agents are unaware of all of them, and sell only a handful. SBI and IndiaFirst (promoted by Bank of Baroda and UBI) are both having dismal to bad settlement rations of claims. MaxLife seems to be the winner on both accounts – both lower premium and claim settlement ratios but one needs to understand the riders better. #licofindia #MaxLife #SBI #Indiafirst

Hardware Design Services is a Niche area

How many big services company have got it right when it comes to Hardware Design? IMHO, I can name only one Indian company who started off from scratch in mid-80s with board design and invested in a few labs and testing. May be another also-ran Indian one but more into resource augmentation.

Any big professional services company who gets 99% of the revenue from the software business cannot crack the hardware game – HW is not a volume business, it is a niche business. Really hardware electronics engineers are needed -just using a few tools to assist in some designs is not proper services. Huge investment is needed – unlike software. One needs to have sufficient labs and testing facilities. Lots of eco system involvement is essential – like manufacturing, stringent testing requirements facilitated by different labs, etc.. hence project management is key in putting these together as dependencies can hit timelines badly.

Smaller stand-alone fabless design services company can do SoCs. There are few credible ones. Remember only a few semiconductor companies are present who may like to outsource only older designs for support, or ask for proper resources to augment their team on need basis. Having a software mindset and trying to venture into hardware services is suicide. License cost for a single tool would be in lakhs of Rupees and the CFO faints upon hearing there would be no RoI for quite some time. Training the folks in the tools is the first step, showcasing some pilot design is the next and that is how you grow up the value chain. I was asked once by a senior corporate leader in a big services company if I can build a $1B business in 3 years if he can recruit 25000+ engineers – I politely had to explain a few things to him. Lots of acquisitions have happened in this hardware services space over the past 3-4 years, but not sure if they materialize enough.

Calling oneself an embedded design services company or a PCB layout company is not enough – yes, it gives the feeling of specialization, but getting to know what the customer wants and doing end to end system design is the need of the hour. Design a SoC, do the board, develop the system, do the firmware, do the testing and product engineering and giving it back will have lots of takers. For these, today, I personally believe 5-6 vendors have to work together to make to happen. The dying field (meaning lack of proper engineers) outside of Defense based projects, which is RF design, is critical to any wireless design and getting the right folks here and miniaturizing these circuits along with analog ones is critical.

So, as summary, stick to what you can deliver based on what you specialize in, get the right projects to execute and always be a value adder to the customer – no point showing glitzy images in Microsoft Powerpoint and throwing big jargons at free will to woo customer as they would see straight through with some really pointed queries. And for big services company, trying to acquire smaller companies does not necessarily lead to bigger wins. Sometimes, it is better to stick to your core and not venture out. Hardware design services is left to passionate engineers who want to build something for the future, few steps at a time, in the automotive, wireless, media, computing and in the defense sectors.

The author is a Principal consultant in Business Intellects and comes with 25+ years of experience in hardware and software space.

Answer the Questions

” By doubting we are led to question; by questioning, we arrive at the truth. – Peter Abelard”
I do not understand why we Indians getting offended if someone asks too many (relevant) questions? I see lots of folks saying ” you are asking too many questions”. Just because lots of unknowns are there in the situation and one needs clarity the queries are being asked. What is known to you does not need to be known to me or others. We do not ask enough questions to the management as we just wag our tails and keep quiet. We do not question the Tempo driver for driving rashly seated in the company owned bus? Why? Why Not? A High intellect usually likes to answer all the questions, however stupid they are. It speaks a lot about you when you try to avoid questions and not question enough if there is a need. Do not close your eyes when something is happening around you that needs to be questioned (unless the ones surrounding you have big weapons!). “Effective questioning brings insight, which fuels curiosity, which cultivates wisdom. – Chip Bell” #questions